It always looks.

Do you get it?

It? What is it?

It is not a side. A side is 1, any further sides are just reflections of 1. It is whole. For 1 (a side) to even exist there has to be a 0 (nothing/whole). Without 0, 1 cannot exist. 1 by itself is useless, but when added, subtracted, multiplied, divided… its potential is revealed. The potential to be everything.

While 1 has the potential for everything, in reality it comes from 0 or nothing. When 1 expresses it’s potential, it’s value increases, in incremental stages. When 0 is added to 1 it’s value may stay the same or may increase 10 fold.

Basic math

1+1=2. This equation has no space for ambiguity.

1+0 = 1 or 10… depending on the point of view

That is it. It is what it is!!!

Everything & Nothing at the same time.

Do you get it?

Keep moving till you get it, for it is always there.

Thank you for your time, stay blessed.

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